#!/bin/bash # This is the entry point for configuring the system. ##################################################### # Check system setup. if [ "`lsb_release -d | sed 's/.*:\s*//'`" != "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS" ]; then echo "Mail-in-a-Box only supports being installed on Ubuntu 14.04, sorry. You are running:" echo lsb_release -d | sed 's/.*:\s*//' echo echo "We can't write scripts that run on every possible setup, sorry." exit fi # Recall the last settings used if we're running this a second time. if [ -f /etc/mailinabox.conf ]; then cat /etc/mailinabox.conf | sed s/^/DEFAULT_/ > /tmp/mailinabox.prev.conf source /tmp/mailinabox.prev.conf fi # Gather information from the user about the hostname and public IP # address of this host. if [ -z "$PUBLIC_HOSTNAME" ]; then echo echo "Enter the hostname you want to assign to this machine." echo "We've guessed a value. Just backspace it if it's wrong." echo "Josh uses box.occams.info as his hostname. Yours should" echo "be similar." echo if [ -z "$DEFAULT_PUBLIC_HOSTNAME" ]; then # set a default on first run DEFAULT_PUBLIC_HOSTNAME=`hostname` fi read -e -i "$DEFAULT_PUBLIC_HOSTNAME" -p "Hostname: " PUBLIC_HOSTNAME fi if [ -z "$PUBLIC_IP" ]; then echo echo "Enter the public IP address of this machine, as given to" echo "you by your ISP. We've guessed a value, but just backspace" echo "it if it's wrong." echo if [ -z "$DEFAULT_PUBLIC_IP" ]; then # set a default on first run DEFAULT_PUBLIC_IP=`hostname -i` fi read -e -i "$DEFAULT_PUBLIC_IP" -p "Public IP: " PUBLIC_IP fi if [ -z "$CSR_COUNTRY" ]; then echo echo "Enter the two-letter, uppercase country code for where you" echo "live or where your organization is based. (This is used to" echo "create an SSL certificate.)" echo #if [ -z "$DEFAULT_CSR_COUNTRY" ]; then # # set a default on first run # DEFAULT_CSR_COUNTRY=...? #fi read -e -i "$DEFAULT_CSR_COUNTRY" -p "Country Code: " CSR_COUNTRY fi # Create the user named "user-data" and store all persistent user # data (mailboxes, etc.) in that user's home directory. if [ -z "$STORAGE_ROOT" ]; then STORAGE_USER=user-data if [ ! -d /home/$STORAGE_USER ]; then useradd -m $STORAGE_USER; fi STORAGE_ROOT=/home/$STORAGE_USER mkdir -p $STORAGE_ROOT fi # Save the global options in /etc/mailinabox.conf so that standalone # tools know where to look for data. cat > /etc/mailinabox.conf << EOF; STORAGE_ROOT=$STORAGE_ROOT PUBLIC_HOSTNAME=$PUBLIC_HOSTNAME PUBLIC_IP=$PUBLIC_IP CSR_COUNTRY=$CSR_COUNTRY EOF # For docker, we don't want any of our scripts to start daemons. # Mask the 'service' program by defining a function of the same name # so that whenever we try to restart a service we just silently do # nothing. if [ "$NO_RESTART_SERVICES" == "1" ]; then function service { # we could output some status, but it's not important echo skipping service $@ > /dev/null; } fi # Start service configuration. . setup/system.sh . setup/dns.sh . setup/mail.sh . setup/dkim.sh . setup/spamassassin.sh . setup/web.sh . setup/webmail.sh . setup/management.sh # Write the DNS configuration files. sleep 2 # wait for the daemon to start curl -d POSTDATA if [ -t 0 ]; then # are we in an interactive shell? if [ -z "`tools/mail.py user`" ]; then # The outut of "tools/mail.py user" is a list of mail users. If there # are none configured, ask the user to configure one. echo echo "Let's create your first mail user." read -e -i "user@$PUBLIC_HOSTNAME" -p "Email Address: " EMAIL_ADDR tools/mail.py user add $EMAIL_ADDR # will ask for password tools/mail.py alias add hostmaster@$PUBLIC_HOSTNAME $EMAIL_ADDR tools/mail.py alias add postmaster@$PUBLIC_HOSTNAME $EMAIL_ADDR fi fi