#!/bin/bash # This is the entry point for configuring the system. ##################################################### source setup/functions.sh # load our functions # Check system setup: Are we running as root on Ubuntu 14.04 on a # machine with enough memory? If not, this shows an error and exits. source setup/preflight.sh # Ensure Python reads/writes files in UTF-8. If the machine # triggers some other locale in Python, like ASCII encoding, # Python may not be able to read/write files. Here and in # the management daemon startup script. if [ -z `locale -a | grep en_US.utf8` ]; then # Generate locale if not exists hide_output locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 fi export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export LC_TYPE=en_US.UTF-8 # Recall the last settings used if we're running this a second time. if [ -f /etc/mailinabox.conf ]; then # Run any system migrations before proceeding. Since this is a second run, # we assume we have Python already installed. setup/migrate.py --migrate || exit 1 # Load the old .conf file to get existing configuration options loaded # into variables with a DEFAULT_ prefix. cat /etc/mailinabox.conf | sed s/^/DEFAULT_/ > /tmp/mailinabox.prev.conf source /tmp/mailinabox.prev.conf rm -f /tmp/mailinabox.prev.conf fi # Put a start script in a global location. We tell the user to run 'mailinabox' # in the first dialog prompt, so we should do this before that starts. cat > /usr/local/bin/mailinabox << EOF; #!/bin/bash cd `pwd` source setup/start.sh EOF chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mailinabox # Ask the user for the PRIMARY_HOSTNAME, PUBLIC_IP, PUBLIC_IPV6, and CSR_COUNTRY # if values have not already been set in environment variables. When running # non-interactively, be sure to set values for all! source setup/questions.sh # Automatic configuration, e.g. as used in our Vagrant configuration. if [ "$PUBLIC_IP" = "auto" ]; then # Use a public API to get our public IP address, or fall back to local network configuration. PUBLIC_IP=$(get_publicip_from_web_service 4 || get_default_privateip 4) fi if [ "$PUBLIC_IPV6" = "auto" ]; then # Use a public API to get our public IPv6 address, or fall back to local network configuration. PUBLIC_IPV6=$(get_publicip_from_web_service 6 || get_default_privateip 6) fi if [ "$PRIMARY_HOSTNAME" = "auto-easy" ]; then # Generate a probably-unique subdomain under our justtesting.email domain. PRIMARY_HOSTNAME=`echo $PUBLIC_IP | sha1sum | cut -c1-5`.justtesting.email fi # Show the configuration, since the user may have not entered it manually. echo echo "Primary Hostname: $PRIMARY_HOSTNAME" echo "Public IP Address: $PUBLIC_IP" if [ ! -z "$PUBLIC_IPV6" ]; then echo "Public IPv6 Address: $PUBLIC_IPV6" fi if [ "$PRIVATE_IP" != "$PUBLIC_IP" ]; then echo "Private IP Address: $PRIVATE_IP" fi if [ "$PRIVATE_IPV6" != "$PUBLIC_IPV6" ]; then echo "Private IPv6 Address: $PRIVATE_IPV6" fi if [ -f .git ]; then echo "Mail-in-a-Box Version: " $(git describe) fi echo # Run some network checks to make sure setup on this machine makes sense. if [ -z "$SKIP_NETWORK_CHECKS" ]; then . setup/network-checks.sh fi # For the first time (if the config file (/etc/mailinabox.conf) not exists): # Create the user named "user-data" and store all persistent user # data (mailboxes, etc.) in that user's home directory. # # If the config file exists: # Apply the existing configuration options for STORAGE_USER/ROOT if [ -z "$STORAGE_USER" ]; then STORAGE_USER=$([[ -z "$DEFAULT_STORAGE_USER" ]] && echo "user-data" || echo "$DEFAULT_STORAGE_USER") fi if [ -z "$STORAGE_ROOT" ]; then STORAGE_ROOT=$([[ -z "$DEFAULT_STORAGE_ROOT" ]] && echo "/home/$STORAGE_USER" || echo "$DEFAULT_STORAGE_ROOT") fi # Create the STORAGE_USER if it not exists if ! id -u $STORAGE_USER >/dev/null 2>&1; then useradd -m $STORAGE_USER fi # Create the STORAGE_ROOT if it not exists if [ ! -d $STORAGE_ROOT ]; then mkdir -p $STORAGE_ROOT fi # Create mailinabox.version file if not exists if [ ! -f $STORAGE_ROOT/mailinabox.version ]; then echo $(setup/migrate.py --current) > $STORAGE_ROOT/mailinabox.version chown $STORAGE_USER.$STORAGE_USER $STORAGE_ROOT/mailinabox.version fi # Save the global options in /etc/mailinabox.conf so that standalone # tools know where to look for data. cat > /etc/mailinabox.conf << EOF; STORAGE_USER=$STORAGE_USER STORAGE_ROOT=$STORAGE_ROOT PRIMARY_HOSTNAME=$PRIMARY_HOSTNAME PUBLIC_IP=$PUBLIC_IP PUBLIC_IPV6=$PUBLIC_IPV6 PRIVATE_IP=$PRIVATE_IP PRIVATE_IPV6=$PRIVATE_IPV6 CSR_COUNTRY=$CSR_COUNTRY EOF # Start service configuration. source setup/system.sh source setup/ssl.sh source setup/dns.sh source setup/mail-postfix.sh source setup/mail-dovecot.sh source setup/mail-users.sh source setup/dkim.sh source setup/spamassassin.sh source setup/web.sh source setup/webmail.sh source setup/rcmcarddav.sh source setup/owncloud.sh source setup/zpush.sh source setup/management.sh # Ping the management daemon to write the DNS and nginx configuration files. while [ ! -f /var/lib/mailinabox/api.key ]; do echo Waiting for the Mail-in-a-Box management daemon to start... sleep 2 done tools/dns_update tools/web_update # If there aren't any mail users yet, create one. source setup/firstuser.sh # Post-setup rcmcarddav db init source setup/rcmcarddav_dbinit.sh # Done. echo echo "-----------------------------------------------" echo echo Your Mail-in-a-Box is running. echo echo Please log in to the control panel for further instructions at: echo if management/status_checks.py --check-primary-hostname; then # Show the nice URL if it appears to be resolving and has a valid certificate. echo https://$PRIMARY_HOSTNAME/admin echo echo If you have a DNS problem use the box\'s IP address and check the SSL fingerprint: echo https://$PUBLIC_IP/admin else echo https://$PUBLIC_IP/admin echo echo You will be alerted that the website has an invalid certificate. Check that echo the certificate fingerprint matches: echo fi openssl x509 -in $STORAGE_ROOT/ssl/ssl_certificate.pem -noout -fingerprint \ | sed "s/SHA1 Fingerprint=//" echo echo Then you can confirm the security exception and continue. echo