# Creates an nginx configuration file so we serve HTTP/HTTPS on all # domains for which a mail account has been set up. ######################################################################## import os, os.path, shutil, re, tempfile from mailconfig import get_mail_domains from dns_update import get_custom_dns_config, do_dns_update, get_dns_zones from utils import shell, safe_domain_name, sort_domains def get_web_domains(env): # What domains should we serve websites for? domains = set() # At the least it's the PRIMARY_HOSTNAME so we can serve webmail # as well as Z-Push for Exchange ActiveSync. domains.add(env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']) # Also serve web for all mail domains so that we might at least # provide auto-discover of email settings, and also a static website # if the user wants to make one. These will require an SSL cert. # ...Unless the domain has an A/AAAA record that maps it to a different # IP address than this box. Remove those domains from our list. domains |= (get_mail_domains(env) - get_domains_with_a_records(env)) # Sort the list so the nginx conf gets written in a stable order. domains = sort_domains(domains, env) return domains def get_domains_with_a_records(env): domains = set() dns = get_custom_dns_config(env) for domain, rtype, value in dns: if rtype == "CNAME" or (rtype in ("A", "AAAA") and value != "local"): domains.add(domain) return domains def get_web_domains_with_root_overrides(env): # Load custom settings so we can tell what domains have a redirect or proxy set up on '/', # which means static hosting is not happening. root_overrides = { } nginx_conf_custom_fn = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], "www/custom.yaml") if os.path.exists(nginx_conf_custom_fn): import rtyaml custom_settings = rtyaml.load(open(nginx_conf_custom_fn)) for domain, settings in custom_settings.items(): for type, value in [('redirect', settings.get('redirects', {}).get('/')), ('proxy', settings.get('proxies', {}).get('/'))]: if value: root_overrides[domain] = (type, value) return root_overrides def get_custom_setting(domain, env, setting): custom_fn = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], "www/custom.yaml") # custom_fn = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], "www", safe_domain_name(domain) + ".yaml") if os.path.exists(custom_fn): import rtyaml try: custom_settings = rtyaml.load(open(custom_fn)) if not isinstance(custom_settings, dict): raise ValueError() # caught below except: return [ ] if domain in custom_settings: settings = custom_settings[domain] for key, value in settings.items(): if key == setting: return value def get_default_www_redirects(env): # Returns a list of www subdomains that we want to provide default redirects # for, i.e. any www's that aren't domains the user has actually configured # to serve for real. Which would be unusual. web_domains = set(get_web_domains(env)) www_domains = set('www.' + zone for zone, zonefile in get_dns_zones(env)) return sort_domains(www_domains - web_domains - get_domains_with_a_records(env), env) def do_web_update(env): # Build an nginx configuration file. nginx_conf = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../conf/nginx-top.conf")).read() # Load the templates. template0 = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../conf/nginx.conf")).read() template1 = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../conf/nginx-alldomains.conf")).read() template2 = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../conf/nginx-primaryonly.conf")).read() template3 = "\trewrite / https://$REDIRECT_DOMAIN permanent;\n" # Add the PRIMARY_HOST configuration first so it becomes nginx's default server. nginx_conf += make_domain_config(env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], [template0, template1, template2], env) # Add configuration all other web domains. has_root_proxy_or_redirect = get_web_domains_with_root_overrides(env) for domain in get_web_domains(env): if domain == env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']: continue # handled above if domain not in has_root_proxy_or_redirect: nginx_conf += make_domain_config(domain, [template0, template1], env) else: nginx_conf += make_domain_config(domain, [template0], env) # Add default www redirects. for domain in get_default_www_redirects(env): nginx_conf += make_domain_config(domain, [template0, template3], env) # Did the file change? If not, don't bother writing & restarting nginx. nginx_conf_fn = "/etc/nginx/conf.d/local.conf" if os.path.exists(nginx_conf_fn): with open(nginx_conf_fn) as f: if f.read() == nginx_conf: return "" # Save the file. with open(nginx_conf_fn, "w") as f: f.write(nginx_conf) # Kick nginx. Since this might be called from the web admin # don't do a 'restart'. That would kill the connection before # the API returns its response. A 'reload' should be good # enough and doesn't break any open connections. shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "nginx", "reload"]) return "web updated\n" def make_domain_config(domain, templates, env): # GET SOME VARIABLES # Where will its root directory be for static files? root = get_web_root(domain, env) # What private key and SSL certificate will we use for this domain? ssl_key, ssl_certificate, ssl_via = get_domain_ssl_files(domain, env) # For hostnames created after the initial setup, ensure we have an SSL certificate # available. Make a self-signed one now if one doesn't exist. ensure_ssl_certificate_exists(domain, ssl_key, ssl_certificate, env) # ADDITIONAL DIRECTIVES. nginx_conf_extra = "" # Because the certificate may change, we should recognize this so we # can trigger an nginx update. def hashfile(filepath): import hashlib sha1 = hashlib.sha1() f = open(filepath, 'rb') try: sha1.update(f.read()) finally: f.close() return sha1.hexdigest() nginx_conf_extra += "# ssl files sha1: %s / %s\n" % (hashfile(ssl_key), hashfile(ssl_certificate)) # Add in any user customizations in YAML format. nginx_conf_custom_proxies = get_custom_setting(domain, env, 'proxies') if nginx_conf_custom_proxies is not None: for path, url in nginx_conf_custom_proxies.items(): nginx_conf_extra += "\tlocation %s {\n\t\tproxy_pass %s;\n\t}\n" % (path, url) nginx_conf_custom_redirects = get_custom_setting(domain, env, 'redirects') if nginx_conf_custom_redirects is not None: for path, url in nginx_conf_custom_redirects.items(): nginx_conf_extra += "\trewrite %s %s permanent;\n" % (path, url) # Add in any user customizations in the includes/ folder. nginx_conf_custom_include = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], "www", safe_domain_name(domain) + ".conf") if os.path.exists(nginx_conf_custom_include): nginx_conf_extra += "\tinclude %s;\n" % (nginx_conf_custom_include) # PUT IT ALL TOGETHER # Combine the pieces. Iteratively place each template into the "# ADDITIONAL DIRECTIVES HERE" placeholder # of the previous template. nginx_conf = "# ADDITIONAL DIRECTIVES HERE\n" for t in templates + [nginx_conf_extra]: nginx_conf = re.sub("[ \t]*# ADDITIONAL DIRECTIVES HERE *\n", t, nginx_conf) # Replace substitution strings in the template & return. nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$STORAGE_ROOT", env['STORAGE_ROOT']) nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$HOSTNAME", domain) nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$ROOT", root) nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$SSL_KEY", ssl_key) nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$SSL_CERTIFICATE", ssl_certificate) nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$REDIRECT_DOMAIN", re.sub(r"^www\.", "", domain)) # for default www redirects to parent domain return nginx_conf def get_web_root(domain, env, test_exists=True): # Try STORAGE_ROOT/web/domain_name if it exists, but fall back to STORAGE_ROOT/web/default. for test_domain in (domain, 'default'): root = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], "www", safe_domain_name(test_domain)) custom_root = get_custom_setting(domain, env, 'custom_root') if custom_root is not None: root = custom_root if os.path.exists(root) or not test_exists: break return root def get_domain_ssl_files(domain, env, allow_shared_cert=True): # What SSL private key will we use? Allow the user to override this, but # in many cases using the same private key for all domains would be fine. # Don't allow the user to override the key for PRIMARY_HOSTNAME because # that's what's in the main file. ssl_key = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl/ssl_private_key.pem') ssl_key_is_alt = False alt_key = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl/%s/private_key.pem' % safe_domain_name(domain)) if domain != env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'] and os.path.exists(alt_key): ssl_key = alt_key ssl_key_is_alt = True # What SSL certificate will we use? ssl_certificate_primary = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl/ssl_certificate.pem') ssl_via = None if domain == env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']: # For PRIMARY_HOSTNAME, use the one we generated at set-up time. ssl_certificate = ssl_certificate_primary else: # For other domains, we'll probably use a certificate in a different path. ssl_certificate = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl/%s/ssl_certificate.pem' % safe_domain_name(domain)) # But we can be smart and reuse the main SSL certificate if is has # a Subject Alternative Name matching this domain. Don't do this if # the user has uploaded a different private key for this domain. if not ssl_key_is_alt and allow_shared_cert: from status_checks import check_certificate if check_certificate(domain, ssl_certificate_primary, None)[0] == "OK": ssl_certificate = ssl_certificate_primary ssl_via = "Using multi/wildcard certificate of %s." % env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'] # For a 'www.' domain, see if we can reuse the cert of the parent. elif domain.startswith('www.'): ssl_certificate_parent = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl/%s/ssl_certificate.pem' % safe_domain_name(domain[4:])) if os.path.exists(ssl_certificate_parent) and check_certificate(domain, ssl_certificate_parent, None)[0] == "OK": ssl_certificate = ssl_certificate_parent ssl_via = "Using multi/wildcard certificate of %s." % domain[4:] return ssl_key, ssl_certificate, ssl_via def ensure_ssl_certificate_exists(domain, ssl_key, ssl_certificate, env): # For domains besides PRIMARY_HOSTNAME, generate a self-signed certificate if # a certificate doesn't already exist. See setup/mail.sh for documentation. if domain == env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']: return # Sanity check. Shouldn't happen. A non-primary domain might use this # certificate (see above), but then the certificate should exist anyway. if ssl_certificate == os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl/ssl_certificate.pem'): return if os.path.exists(ssl_certificate): return os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(ssl_certificate), exist_ok=True) # Generate a new self-signed certificate using the same private key that we already have. # Start with a CSR written to a temporary file. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w") as csr_fp: csr_fp.write(create_csr(domain, ssl_key, env)) csr_fp.flush() # since we won't close until after running 'openssl x509', since close triggers delete. # And then make the certificate. shell("check_call", [ "openssl", "x509", "-req", "-days", "365", "-in", csr_fp.name, "-signkey", ssl_key, "-out", ssl_certificate]) def create_csr(domain, ssl_key, env): return shell("check_output", [ "openssl", "req", "-new", "-key", ssl_key, "-sha256", "-subj", "/C=%s/ST=/L=/O=/CN=%s" % (env["CSR_COUNTRY"], domain)]) def install_cert(domain, ssl_cert, ssl_chain, env): if domain not in get_web_domains(env): return "Invalid domain name." # Write the combined cert+chain to a temporary path and validate that it is OK. # The certificate always goes above the chain. import tempfile, os fd, fn = tempfile.mkstemp('.pem') os.write(fd, (ssl_cert + '\n' + ssl_chain).encode("ascii")) os.close(fd) # Do validation on the certificate before installing it. from status_checks import check_certificate ssl_key, ssl_certificate, ssl_via = get_domain_ssl_files(domain, env, allow_shared_cert=False) cert_status, cert_status_details = check_certificate(domain, fn, ssl_key) if cert_status != "OK": if cert_status == "SELF-SIGNED": cert_status = "This is a self-signed certificate. I can't install that." os.unlink(fn) if cert_status_details is not None: cert_status += " " + cert_status_details return cert_status # Copy the certificate to its expected location. os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(ssl_certificate), exist_ok=True) shutil.move(fn, ssl_certificate) ret = ["OK"] # When updating the cert for PRIMARY_HOSTNAME, also update DNS because it is # used in the DANE TLSA record and restart postfix and dovecot which use # that certificate. if domain == env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']: ret.append( do_dns_update(env) ) shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "postfix", "restart"]) shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "dovecot", "restart"]) ret.append("mail services restarted") # Kick nginx so it sees the cert. ret.append( do_web_update(env) ) return "\n".join(ret) def get_web_domains_info(env): has_root_proxy_or_redirect = get_web_domains_with_root_overrides(env) # for the SSL config panel, get cert status def check_cert(domain): from status_checks import check_certificate ssl_key, ssl_certificate, ssl_via = get_domain_ssl_files(domain, env) if not os.path.exists(ssl_certificate): return ("danger", "No Certificate Installed") cert_status, cert_status_details = check_certificate(domain, ssl_certificate, ssl_key) if cert_status == "OK": if not ssl_via: return ("success", "Signed & valid. " + cert_status_details) else: # This is an alternate domain but using the same cert as the primary domain. return ("success", "Signed & valid. " + ssl_via) elif cert_status == "SELF-SIGNED": return ("warning", "Self-signed. Get a signed certificate to stop warnings.") else: return ("danger", "Certificate has a problem: " + cert_status) return [ { "domain": domain, "root": get_web_root(domain, env), "custom_root": get_web_root(domain, env, test_exists=False), "ssl_certificate": check_cert(domain), "static_enabled": domain not in has_root_proxy_or_redirect, } for domain in get_web_domains(env) ] + \ [ { "domain": domain, "ssl_certificate": check_cert(domain), "static_enabled": False, } for domain in get_default_www_redirects(env) ]